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...Have you seen the shooter, looks the typical American retard.



Six fingers per hand, long very thinning hair, no teeth (or very little).



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I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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23 hours ago, james.wilson said:

But why can't we disagree without wanting to kill the other side


"Never have we been so connected and yet so lonely"

People no longer associate shouting at people on twitter as there being another human at the other end...

Face to face conversations about polarising topics with nuance and respect are getting a rare occurrence in day to day life...

People are put in there own social media minority bubbles grouped by advertising algorithms, they are living in an echo chamber of there own opinions until they feel like a majority...

IMO, I could go on...

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9 hours ago, sixwheeledbeast said:


"Never have we been so connected and yet so lonely"

People no longer associate shouting at people on twitter as there being another human at the other end...

Face to face conversations about polarising topics with nuance and respect are getting a rare occurrence in day to day life...

People are put in there own social media minority bubbles grouped by advertising algorithms, they are living in an echo chamber of there own opinions until they feel like a majority...

IMO, I could go on...

Sounds like AI talk 🕶️ 

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14 hours ago, sixwheeledbeast said:


"Never have we been so connected and yet so lonely"

People no longer associate shouting at people on twitter as there being another human at the other end...

Face to face conversations about polarising topics with nuance and respect are getting a rare occurrence in day to day life...

People are put in there own social media minority bubbles grouped by advertising algorithms, they are living in an echo chamber of there own opinions until they feel like a majority...

IMO, I could go on...


Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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23 hours ago, sixwheeledbeast said:


"Never have we been so connected and yet so lonely"

People no longer associate shouting at people on twitter as there being another human at the other end...

Face to face conversations about polarising topics with nuance and respect are getting a rare occurrence in day to day life...

People are put in there own social media minority bubbles grouped by advertising algorithms, they are living in an echo chamber of there own opinions until they feel like a majority...

IMO, I could go on...

For me, social media (and I hate that saying), is one good idea that went totally out of control.


I reckon even the founders never foreseen the direction it would take, but loved every penny it generated.


As we all know, some peoples whole life is based on SM. Very sad.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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People also take things too literally because most stuff is read online with there own bias and no context. It's fuelling cancel culture and making people think negatively about others without knowing them or the intent of the text.


I'm relatively conservative when it comes to wanting legislation but I believe we should seriously consider not allowing Under 16's to have internet access on personal devices.

Not an easy topic to tackle but we restrict other things like smoking or buying petrol or knifes etc. Issues now is much of high school work relies on having a smartphone, this has de-facto set the age of owning a device at 11, 2 years before the US COPPA that most of the big internet services seem to use as an age limit.


Much of the new Online Safety Act is useless, it's trying to target platforms but it will never work. Much like an anti-virus it can only ever be reactive as content is found, even that is only going to be suitable on public facing information. So private echo chambers are unlikely to be found, it may even move users towards more private forums.

Lets ignore the fact it will impose new restrictions forcing sites to harvest more data about people to age gate them. Seems to have a requirement to back door any encryption. That it can be bypassed relatively simply and reduce growth of our UK data centres.

Clearly people with no clue how the internet works have drafted it, at least they'll make some money out of big tech in the short term I suppose...




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24 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

People also take things too literally because most stuff is read online with there own bias and no context. It's fuelling cancel culture and making people think negatively about others without knowing them or the intent of the text.


I'm relatively conservative when it comes to wanting legislation but I believe we should seriously consider not allowing Under 16's to have internet access on 

Hmmm you would have to get rid of the pedophiles and business people in parliament making money out of it (and taking part in it) and every other high position for things like this to take effect and then everyone would shout censorship blah blah and wonder why kids are messed up in the head 

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