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I am having a unique problem with the Galaxy Dimension 520 panel. Currently there are two keypads on the system: one keyprox downstairs at address 10 and one normal keypad upstairs at address 20.


I am trying to change out the normal keypad for a keyprox however I cannot get the new keyprox to work.


I have removed keypad 20 and attached the new keyprox but whenever I try to add the module it does not appear and either flashes with a blank screen or flashes the *********** across the screen.


I tried swapping the new keyprox with the downstairs keyprox and this worked fine so the keyprox has no issues.


The normal keypad also still operates properly upstairs so it can't be this. The only difference between the down and upstairs is that downstairs runs on line 2 and upstairs on line 1.


Any suggestions at all would be appreciated.




Address 0 line 2 should be ok for the keyprox, how are you 'adding' the module?


where did you get the keyprox from also?


  On 16/04/2020 at 15:02, jackaddressable said:

ne keyprox downstairs at address 10 and one normal keypad upstairs at address 20.



  On 16/04/2020 at 15:02, jackaddressable said:

The only difference between the down and upstairs is that downstairs runs on line 2 and upstairs on line 1


which one is it?

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  On 16/04/2020 at 15:59, james.wilson said:

Address 0 line 2 should be ok for the keyprox, how are you 'adding' the module?


where did you get the keyprox from also?



which one is it?




It's an eBay one, no lies here,so there was a risk in buying but I don't know how the keyprox would work on one line but not another, surely it'd just be gubbed if it was an eBay broken one?


I've added the module different ways now, once by the procedure in the installation manual, which was to wire it up and exit engineer mode, but I've also added in restarting the panel to try to force it to recognise the device on other attempts.


Also sorry for confusing wording, the downstairs devices are wired on line one which goes from panel to keypad 1 and goes in another direction to the garage, both ends are terminated with 680 ohm resistors. The upstairs is only a keypad which is on AB line 2 and is terminated with a 680ohm.


I'm relatively proficient with the system, it was left over in the house by the previous owner who installed it, it used to be a Galaxy 504 but I changed it out for a Dimension.


Thanks again.

  On 16/04/2020 at 16:01, Logan said:

Same place he gets that white powder from 



  On 16/04/2020 at 17:07, james.wilson said:

You have the key prox addressed as 0?


The downstairs keyprox is line 1 address 0


The upstairs keypad is line 2 address 0 and works but when swapped for the keyprox at address 0 the keyprox won't appear on the system it just flashes **** or goes blank but is still powered


Does that work? Or am I missing something about unique addressing?

  On 16/04/2020 at 17:57, james.wilson said:

no what does menu 61 keypads say about address's responding? ie 10, 20, 51 etc




keypad 10 downstairs has 100%, keypad 20 when using the normal working keypad has a comms level that fluctuates between 60% and 95%, so clearly major problems here.


however when the keyprox was used with a test lead direct from panel the same problem was observed even with a 1m cable so i'm not sure if the cable was the problem but your insight would be appreciated


50 and 51 have 100% comms


thanks again for your help so far :)

  On 16/04/2020 at 15:02, jackaddressable said:


I am having a unique problem with the Galaxy Dimension 520 panel. Currently there are two keypads on the system: one keyprox downstairs at address 10 and one normal keypad upstairs at address 20.


I am trying to change out the normal keypad for a keyprox however I cannot get the new keyprox to work.


I have removed keypad 20 and attached the new keyprox but whenever I try to add the module it does not appear and either flashes with a blank screen or flashes the *********** across the screen.


I tried swapping the new keyprox with the downstairs keyprox and this worked fine so the keyprox has no issues.


The normal keypad also still operates properly upstairs so it can't be this. The only difference between the down and upstairs is that downstairs runs on line 2 and upstairs on line 1.


Any suggestions at all would be appreciated.




How did you set the address on the keyprox? 


Are they all same model numbers be more specific



How are you remove the keyprox and keypad physical or by menu aswell?

  On 16/04/2020 at 18:40, al-yeti said:

How did you set the address on the keyprox? 


Are they all same model numbers be more specific



How are you remove the keyprox and keypad physical or by menu aswell?





The address was set by turning the rotary switch to zero on the keyprox while disconnected then inserting the terminal block onto the keyprox.


The model number used is CP037 for the original keypad and this is being replaced by a CP038-01.


The procedure for removal was to remove the keypad CP037 at address 20 physically then delete the module off the system, then add the new CP038-1 at address 20 however it just flashes with stars or flashes with an entirely blank screen but still backlit and does not say MODULE ADDED  when exiting engineer mode.


Attached are pictures of the the working keypad and the non working keyprox on the test lead. It flashes with stars and the power LED also flashes and will not be seen by the panel.


  On 16/04/2020 at 19:04, james.wilson said:

id test the keyprox on short lead on line 3 maybe see if it adds key 30 and max 30



You thinking it could be a fault with the panel line 2?


Thanks all



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