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Boss employee thing


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If it was work related, i would have expected offices to be damaged first, nusiance phone calls holding up the line, lines cut, windows, and other things, not following a employee home and damaging the car, this is what a teenager would do, if it was against the firm by a adult then i would think it would be more direct.

I know jeff, I personally would not think this is work related due to he is not one of this cowboy firms ripping old people off.

Its probaly the engineer been seen with somebody's wife.


possibley but I bet the offices have CCTV so I wouldn't. Oh and if the attack on the vehicle is because of the result of him playing away lets hope its not with another member of staff as this is then still work related in my eyes. 80% of affairs are with work colleges. ;)

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While we are on this point, if a employee loses a £175.00 fluke meter (doing own work at weekend i think) would you make them replace it ?


I would, whether it was on one of their own jobs or a companies one. I would always say that lost\damaged tools are replaced by the engineer unless it's down to wear and tear and general work related losses. Being daft doesn't count as a work related loss!

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I need some constructive advice before I go and ruin a great relationship. I have a manager


Thanks for the varied input. Surprised that there is no definite boss employee divide. My manager has got a crime ref. No. the crime is not against me as I said our cars have no livery. He thinks he knows who has done this and has already told me he is not prepared to risk taking a car home again. Just leaves me with who pays for the tyres. I will discuss this with him rationally on Monday. Im just trying to get another prospective on this before diving in with “im the boss and this is what you’re going to do”. Jef


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If its a company car then its the companies problem!

Just for a change i'm going to agree with ian.c@nt on this one.

However, if it was my car that was being targeted, i would catch the b@stard that was causing the damage and give him a right good kickin'.

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I think its a bit harsh making him pay for the tyres, but I understand a company cant replace tyres on an ad-hoc basis left right and centre.

My thinking would be to garage the vehicle locally if possible or leave it in a different location for the moment (outside friends or summit)

I also would have by now installed a small cctv camera with timelapse vcr to find out whats going on.

Police should be involved and given full info, someone knows more about this than there letting on.

I installed a small cctv system with time lapse on our house about 3 years ago when my car was being damaged - teenagers proping spikes behind rear wheels so when I reversed out it would puncture tyre etc etc - caught them red handed using the video evidence and the police were given a copy, they havent touch any of my vehicles since ;)

Good luck, difficult subject btw I Own my own business and subby too so I see both sides of the story...

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He thinks he knows who has done this and has already told me he is not prepared to risk taking a car home again.


Sounds like he's got enough trouble at home. He doesnt need any at work aswell.

Just do him a favour and pay for the tyres - £100/£150 ish?

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