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Hi, I'm trying to setup a new Pyronix MC1Z1-WE wireless sensor so that it uses a garage door NC reed switch attached to the external Zone, as well as functioning with the built-in mag contact on the other Zone.


I can't access the installation instructions using the supplied QR code online as I'm an end-user and so can't get a Pyronix website account.


I do have the installation instructions for the shock sensor version (MC1Z2-WE) and I was hoping the PCB/jumpers would be the same. It is roughly the same but my sensor is missing the 3-pin jumper to setup the external Zone input type (NC or double pole).


What I want is:

The MC1Z1 built-in mag contact enabled and on Zone 2.

The roller shutter NC reed switched wired to Z1+C on the Zone 1 input terminal. block


I'd expect to add/remove a jumper to enable the Zone 1 terminal?

And from the shock-we instructions I'd expect to have to add/remove a jumper to define Zone 1 as a simple NC circuit? 


Can any of you friendly installers help with the jumpers I need to add/remove, or mail me the installation instructions for this sensor so I can read it myself?





If the panel is supplied with installation instructions, they should aso tell you the required info re the wireless devices and how to wire hardwired devices to them. you will probably need eol resistors, these normally come with the panel. I dont think there are many people that frequent these forums that install Pyronix, so doubtful any of us would know off the top of our heads. 


The reason I asked if you knew the eng code, is many people come here asking questions, but even with the answer they cant set/program something up because they dont have access to the engineers menu. 

Once you have the panel and instructions come back if you need help deciphering what they mean 

  • 2 weeks later...

Pyronic generally dont come with any instruction no more especially the seperate devices


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