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Inexpensive digital CCTV linked to Home PC

Guest ghengis

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Guest ghengis

Recently I have experience a lots of eggs being thrown at my house and car. I am looking to install a CCTV system with day/night capability to catch/deter the little bu**ers.

I bought an indoor LinkSys WVC11B digital network camera which I have linked to my laptop via an Ethernet connection. The problem with this is that it has no low light capability. I work in IT, so I have a good understanding of computer hardware.

I would like to upgrade this camera, which is situated at an up-stairs window, with a day/night digital camera and get one or more external cameras installed outside. I plan to buy a new home PC with a large hard disk, so would like to use this to record/view the images rather than buy a separate dedicated CCTV recorder + monitor.

Any suggestions for CCTV hardware or recomendations for companies operating in Kent to install external CCTV cameras would be appreciated.

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Recently I have experience a lots of eggs being thrown at my house and car. I am looking to install a CCTV system with day/night capability to catch/deter the little bu**ers.
Right first off i would suggest you buy a bucket sponge and some fairy liquid, you will find its a lot cheaper than all the CCTV kit your proposing. :yes:

Secondly, start giving the kids sweeties at halloween, it saves you needing the bucket sponge and fairy liquid in the first place. :whistle:


Ok serious stuff now.

I would like to upgrade this camera, which is situated at an up-stairs window, with a day/night digital camera and get one or more external cameras installed outside.

I would certainly recommend using a reputable local company otherwise you will waste a lot of good cash. Its virtually impossible to tell you what you need without seeing the situation. Camera types vary for this situation, some cheap cameras maybe needed but maybe light levels will mean expensive day/nights will be required. The lens will be crucial no doubt and the distance from the camera to the area of view will determin the lens size required.

I plan to buy a new home PC with a large hard disk, so would like to use this to record/view the images rather than buy a separate dedicated CCTV recorder + monitor.

I would suggest you buy a pc dedicated to recording the images which you can network to a home pc, you could use a data switch to use the same monitor. Or alternativly a pc based recorder that will also be able to use an existing monitor.

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Guest bigbro

Big Brother Security is based up in North Kent, we would be happy to quote for you. You can catch me personally on my mobile : 07747194461 or the office 01474 354086.

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Guest ghengis

Thanks for the feedback so far :)

I have made a huge effort to get to know the local kids and have invested already in a bucket, sponge and fairy liquid. However, when it snows they seem to think they have carte blanche to throw snowballs at my house and several neighbours. This is OK as a one off, but repeated battery by eight or more kids has left my wife a nervous wreck. Asking them to stop seems to have little effect.

Speaking with one of the worst offender

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I would suggest you get more than one quote, you will get more of an idea of what you can do.


Very diplomatic, Pete! :lol:

I would also agree. Ring some local installers out the Yellow Pages and/or post your location here.

You can achieve an acceptable result with a standalone system for less than you have been quoted. The equipment may not be as good, but you may not need the equipment you have been quoted for.

If you don't know......ask.

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