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body cameras; branded V unbranded

Guest thewatcher

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Guest thewatcher

I am researching body cameras for cctv and have seen a vast range of branded and unbranded types, I have come to the conclusion that I require Sony "Ex-view HAD" CCD day colour - night B/W type cameras for my requirements, however there are a vast range of suppliers and options, before purchasing I would like to know what the benefit of buying branded (i.e Sony or Panasonic badged) is over buying an unbranded type, say those supplied by henrys.co.uk or RF concepts.

The cameras they offer appear to be using the same CCD devices but are built by someone else, I dont mind paying extra for a badged product if it comes with better reliability, options, features, support and warranty, but do not want to spend extra for the sake of it.

What are the pros and cons between these two options? ANY OTHER ADVICE i SHOULD BE CONSIDERING??

Thanx in advance for your help

cctv newbie

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I have come to the conclusion that I require Sony "Ex-view HAD" CCD day colour - night B/W type cameras for my requirements

What are you basing your conclusion on ?

Common technology used across the complete range of cctv cameras, where you have chosen the highest specification cameras?

You will get all the information you want from this forum, but only what's relevant to your specific requirements will be beneficial.

You could be spending way over the top for what you realistically need.

If you don't want to pay someone to help you specify a system then the information you need to provide on the forum is the environment and the requirement of each camera, distances and light levels etc.

If you have had a system already installed then you should have an operational requirement written already.

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Like the others said it depends on what your after for ach job. Extreemly rear that you'll ever do 2 cctv installs exactally the same with the same kit. I've installed both branded and un-branded. Henry's aren't bad and I use them for the more cheap and cheerfull jobs, never had a problem with the service or equipment.

Sometimes seems daft paying over the odds for branded kit which will do the same job I know. I've used some really good cameras "Brainz" day night which are spot on and I and customers have been really pleased with them. I never fit med res unless on an existing system or vcr, if your using a decent DVR use hi res all the time!!

If you pm me i'll give you a good site which sells on-line and direct, if you don't mind a few "f's" thrown at you by the sales guy.... he's more than down to earth. Another good all round camera I've used is made by Proline, I'd never heard of them but they are great colour cameras (I try not to use mono, only colour mono) but the hi res version of these is brill, the guys there are all tech minded and will conslut you and if you tell them what your after, you can send them details of your job and they'll come up with something, lenses and all that kind of gear for each cam. They won't sell you a good cam with a pooh lens. Service from them has been second to none & I'd recommend them to anyone.

Recently bought a colour test monitor from them, same modle as norbain and £130 cheaper!!

Some customers will want sony and panasonic, dare i say samsung..... these guys supply them but will always offer you something which will do the same job if you ask for it.

Branded kit always pushes the price up & can loose you some installs. I've just bought a Dell laptop, nice piece of kit, HP, sony etc don't even compare on cost of spec and cost 3* as much. I'm not saying buy cheap rubbish but there is some really good kit avalible if you know where to find it!!!


Tony :yes:

CCTV Intruder Access Control

Tony Hughes, Proprietor,


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