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Colour Probs

Guest Alan

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how far are the cameras from the psu it could be your getting a volt drop, i went to a job a a few weeks back where another company had put colour 2 cameras in and 1 psu one of the cameras was about 50metres away from psu and would only work in black and white, the company who put them in couldnt resolve it so we went to take a look set up a temp psu for furthest camera and sited it closer to the camera and left the other on the existing psu turned the dvr off and back on hey presto we had colour!!!

also known a few lads to have similar problems when using cheap cable or cheap bnc plugs

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I have had this before, Reboot and it will probally sort it. The first time it happend to me I spent ages testing everything apart from the DVR.

Hommer simpsons catch phrase was used a lot that day cheers

Top tip: if you ever catch fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because i bet thats what REALLY throws you into a panic and dont forget the one thing you cant recycle is wasted time.

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First thing, plug your cameras into the monitor to see if you have a colour picture, if everthing is OK then with the DM powered down connect your cameras.

When you have connected all your cameras power the system up and give 15-30 seconds for the DM to do a self test and then everthing should be working fine.

If you have not got colour pictures, then the cameras maybe sited in a shady location which is causing the camera to stay in mono codition try and position the camera to get a bit of daylight

Good luck

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With regards to PSU problems, I always try powering off a battery instead.

I had 11.7v from a psu not long ago and thought 'should be ok' , changed the camera, same problem , powered by battery problem gone.

Some cameras are very fussy about what voltage you give them.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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