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CCTV with PC linked monitoring

Guest johnhgault

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Guest johnhgault

Hello everyone,

I'm a new member here although I have been a UK Panels member for a while.

Qustion is : I have a client (Indian Takeaway/Restaurant) the chap is opening another shop(No.3) and wants to monitor all 3 through CCTV linked to his home PC

I undersatnd that this may be possible. Can anyone advise me on how this is done and what equipment would be best suited to the job?

Many thanks and Kind Regards to all.

JockStrat :no:

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Youll nee the following.

A DVR with A network port for Wan or Lan (ethernet 10 base T), a router and an ADSL line Both ends of connection(56k will be to slow). Make sure you get an IP address for adsl line aswell.

Trade Member

As Mr Kingswood said "Dont forget the 6 P's when installing.....Proper Preperation Prevents P*** Poor Performance!!!"

John Kingswood(alais Nobby), Paul Earl Ltd 1985-2006

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First of all obviously you need a router and ADSL line for each of the shops (something like a Netgear DG834 that comes with built in switch, ADSL modem, firewall is ideal), and preferably a static ip for each of the shops, i.e one that doesnt change everytime the router logs onto the internet.

If he's only having a few static cameras in each shop then a small non-pc based dvr with built in LAN would suffice (most come with their own software/player), your gonna need a fair bit of PC knowledge to configure this though as stuff such as port forwarding, firewalls etc can be niggy and hard to get right and different for each router manufacturer. Take a laptop to site so you can configure/diagnose the router while there.

All in all it's definately possible and something that can work quite decent once complete.

I really can't stress the importance of each shop having a static IP though, it saves a lot of time and effort messing about with a dynamic DNS service and is 1 less thing to go wrong.

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I agree with all the above. I actually had ezctv catalogue in the mail today and am impressed with their gear. Ive got a customer who Ive just installed seven cameras in his pub with a dvr and he wants his other two premises sorted so he can view them live when he's in France and monitor the till transactions as well. easy :cry:



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I agree with all the above. I actually had ezctv catalogue in the mail today and am impressed with their gear. Ive got a customer who Ive just installed seven cameras in his pub with a dvr and he wants his other two premises sorted so he can view them live when he's in France and monitor the till transactions as well. easy  :cry:


Are you setting up a proper POS system thingy to write to the DVR for every transaction or just having a camera watching the till?? What DVR did you use? Just curious...

Anyone use VideoSwitch?

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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i'm just researching that bit. It'll be one camera covering the till, recording through the DVR? not sure yet, thtas a good point though. i'm not too good at putting links on here yet. Comapny called www.ave.com (american video) specialise in this kit. Also company called tilscan. Ezcctv also do a system but not researched that yet. B)



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thank you that man



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Norbain do it also, its called Team


Very true. But Norbain are trying to take over the world :!:

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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