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Why is "THE TRADE" so closely guarded?


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This is not a dig or anything like that I find this website extremly informative.

Looking around the net and reading some comments on this site I get the feeling the security industry seems like a closed shop if you are "not in the trade" your not comming in type thing.

I just wondered why the ordinary "Joe public" if you like is excluded from some of the the distributors and suppliers sites.

I am an electrician and the wholesalers I use are very helpful to the guy who walks in off the street for a socket or flex for the kettle.

The trade prices that are talked about and sometimes edited by the admin seem to be fiercely guarded.

Surely the mark up will be the same wether buying 40 bags off potatos from the wholesale market or 40 day/night cams.

As I mentioned earlier this is not a dig or anything its just a little frustrating when trying to look for half decent equipment the reliable places people reccomend you seem to be excluded because you are "not trade"


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The main reasons for this are security issues!

The other reasons are disclosing trade prices in public - would you like

everyone to know how much or how little you make on your jobs etc.

Also we dont want jo-burglar to find out info he would use for his proffession.

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The main reasons for this are security issues!

The other reasons are disclosing trade prices in public - would you likeĀ 

everyone to know how much or how little you make on your jobs etc.

Also we dont want jo-burglar to find out info he would use for his proffession.


Quoted for agreement.

Even amongst the trade members I don't think everyone divulges what prices they pay for specific mainstream items.

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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Another thing I might mention if I may be so bold, is the fact that if ALL (some do) trade suppliers actually supply to joe public, then they may be fitting proffessional kit INCORRECTLY, causing problems, causing false alarms, nuicense alarms (in the case of intruder alarms) and giving the industry a bad name in general i.e. the cowboys pretending they are pro installers.

Apart from the fact someone could actually kill themselves if they dont know what there doing fitting a panel end station, they could even damage the kit.

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The high end CCTV equipment is not for the domestic market. The suppliers I use do not supply to the public, and the equipment is for commercial use generally, unless you have rather large premises to monitor and price isn't a problem.

If your trade then you should apply for trade access.

Allot of people use the same suppliers, when we talk about prices we generally use the terms "around the Ā£X-Amount mark" (or the book price) as discounts from suppliers will vary depending on the amount of orders.

My opinion on CCTV equipment that the public are able to buy, i.e. from the web is that it is unlikely to be the sort of equipment that most professional installers would deal with on a daily basis, there is no problem if members of the public want to ask a trade members opinion on a specific item and then provide a link to a website, or details of the information, I for one am happy to check the item out and give my opinion on it, however my opinion will be based on the comparison of high end equipment and how the numbers compare on the data sheets. And one reason I for one am not knowledgeable on the bottom range of imported (domestic) equipment is because they would not meet the basic criteria I would generally require from a system.

And as already mentioned, the obvious risk of breaching security.

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And one reason I for one am not knowledgeable on the bottom range of imported (domestic) equipment is because they would not meet the basic criteria I would generally require from a system.


Do you never use the small infrared LED cameras that have become so prevalent?

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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Not if I can help it no, If there is a need to use IR lighting then I would initially try and use a seperate IR LED lamp before one of those cameras.


I just started a topic in the Trade section about IR cameras. Interested in your comments.

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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