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Staple guns

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Whilst at ad...umm we were not allowed to use them on comercial sites but were allowed to use them on resies.... different branches have different rules I know..... personally I do use them, not a problem and you dudes heard of insulated staples..... (I haven't found any yet)

CCTV Intruder Access Control

Tony Hughes, Proprietor,



The useage of Staples guns is purely at your companies discretion.

It is not against any regs, and if used correctly and only on wood, wont cause a company any compliance issues.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)


We use them, but most of our cabling is under the boards anyway. I find if you have to wire on any surface, staples look a bit neater than nail clips too. I personally can't see any problem. Obviously you can staple through the cable, but you'd have to be trying pretty hard. Aslong as the cable is sat in the two grooves you should be fine.

Trade Member


At my last company you would get a warning for having it in the car..

Guest IM_Alarms

I tested a prototype for Rapid which was for twin and earth cables which fired a staple made from a hard kind of plastic/ fibreglass sort of substance, had a team come over from sweden (or was it Denmark) to interview me about the pro's and con's. Had to give the thing back after though but still have some staples. Nice bit of kit and worked quite well as long as it was not used for every situation. As it worked fine in soft woods and plasterboard etc, but not so well in hard woods and couldn't be re-fired if it hadn't reached home fully.


Have always used staples, quicker,easier & tidier.

Chubb Service Engineer


Not aloud to use them at our branch, but an engineer from another branch told me that they use them all the time.

The reason we are not aloud to use them is qoute "if the staple starts to rust then that will impair the insulation of the cable". What a load of boll**ks, this could take 20 years in normal conditions.

Top tip: if you ever catch fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because i bet thats what REALLY throws you into a panic and dont forget the one thing you cant recycle is wasted time.


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