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Covert camera

Guest store_tec

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Guest store_tec

i need to install a covert camera looking down on a till point to observe transactions. can anyone recommend a good smoke detector camera or similar. cost isnt really an issue. thanks

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Smoke detector cameras are pretty much the same, (unless your buying cheap tat). I would suggest you consider using a high res camera with a varifocal lens if you can fit it into the ceiling area above without it looking obvious. This give you flexiblity of view with the lens.

You could also consider a high res camera with a pinhole lens, not as flexible but both will give superior pictures compared to a smoke detector type camera.

The biggest problem is without seeing your exact situation is recommending whats best and personally so called covert cameras are the last resort although they have theyre place, they are all similar.

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Just be careful to comply with requirements.

Personally i'd go for a fully controlable Dome located in a position that can still see the till area, but not right by it. And stick up the relevant notices about being on CCTV.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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There are some real cheap ones available so its always best to check the camera specifications, pinhole is probably best depending on the celing and getting the cable to it.

Dont worry about signs, but do document an operational requirement for the system, including the date it was installed, who is in charge, what its purpose to be is and sign it, make sure the recording media is well documented and events clearly logged.

If your going to use a time lapse vcr, you will get better definition (TVL) from a monochrome camera and a sharper image on playback than you will from a colour camera.

Due to the nature of covert systems, you should't need to have it operational for more that 31 days.

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As the other posters have indicated there are loads of smoke detector cameras out there (sorry here is my plug - VKC-147/SMD).

...but if you are truely after watching dodgy transactions then a good quality dome with either a 3-8mm or even a 5-50mm (casino style!) varifocal lens is what you want. ALSO if your recording system has text inputs consider adding the till to the recorder so that when "No Sale" is recorded on the till then an alarm action of some form is triggered.

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Try to get as high a resolution as you can.

If you want it dead above the till looking straight down then units concealed in domestic smoke detectors are better hidden than commercial units.

We have found that audio is a big bonus in catching thieves.

We have also found that many small shopkeepers have opted for normal domestic vcrs (with time/date generators)so they can take the tapes home to review them.

You will find that most covert installations will catch the offender almost immediately because the shopkeepers have to be pretty sure to fork out for the covert equipment. We had one client who was loosing £200.00 per day (£100,000 a year !)

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