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cheers guys. I'm in Harrogate N. Yorks. Thanks for the offer Pete but I think I will have a blast on my own.. and see if I can swim with the sharks :blink:
Plus bank and the usual xmas day etc, what do you think I am?


Only asking :)

Legally you have to give 20 days but that can include the National Holidays, so in effect, an employer only has to give 12 normal work days off per year. There are people out there who do that. ;)

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

I know a NSI Gold co who only give 20 in totalĀ  :no:


It's understandable why (cost) but I don't see how you can get the best out of staff if you treat them poorly. There is not enough leisure time built into society in this country as it is. As an employer I can identify the problems with giving staff time off, but I think the minimum should be 20 days plus Nationals; 28 in total. Even though it kills me :rolleyes:

What do other companies in general give? //.National Installer.// - one week on one week off? :lol:

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.


i guess we have something like 26 days off plus national holidays which will all together be something like 38..

edit: just typos..


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