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Ext. camera, heated lens. Lots of flys!!

Guest Rockford

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Guest Rockford

Very annoying problem this one! We have an external camera watching a gate. Its set to sense motion. The DVR we're using for the motion sensing is DEADLY accurate. No false positives.

Problem is that being an ext camera, we have a heater in it. The flys LOVE IT!

Every time I look at the "alarm" video, its always a fly over the lens... They like it because its warm! Can you believe it?!

I think I'll put some of that fly repellant pen over the glass. That I hope, will see them off...

...Purely out of interest, has anyone else ever had this problem?! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your weekends everyone!

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Guest paraffinlamps

It`s that time of the year again .Opened an external psu up today and a few flies shot out .How about a couple of those sticky flystrip things inside and seal up all the holes as best as possible .We used to have a similar problem with Pelco domes .The flies would enter through the bracket and work their way into the dome .Now we seal the bottom of the bracket with expanding foam and haven`t had any further problems .Also if the cables come into the housing via flexible conduit a drop of silicon in the ends stops anything coming thru the tubes .



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Nothing to do with the smell of a //.B.W.F.// install ....possibly? :whistle:

Very annoying problem this one! We have an external camera watching a gate. Its set to sense motion. The DVR we're using for the motion sensing is DEADLY accurate. No false positives.

Problem is that being an ext camera, we have a heater in it. The flys LOVE IT!

Every time I look at the "alarm" video, its always a fly over the lens... They like it because its warm! Can you believe it?!

I think I'll put some of that fly repellant pen over the glass. That I hope, will see them off...

...Purely out of interest, has anyone else ever had this problem?!  :rolleyes:

Enjoy your weekends everyone!


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Flies to a heater, moths to an Infra red lamp, whatever next ... spiders using a web browser?

A chemical solution (pun not intended) should do it, but if you want a techno. solution get rid of the heater. The heat from an element is intended to prevent moisture from condensing on a cold glass window, but in most situations (not all), if you fit a miniature low power fan to circulate the air at the front of the housing, the airborne moisture cannot condense.

Keeps the flies away as well!

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Guest Rockford
Nothing to do with the smell of a //.B.W.F.// install ....possibly? :whistle:


That's not very nice...

The flies are not inside the housing, they like to sit on the glass on the outside... I think we've sorted it now. We "installed" a citronella block just above the glass out of view of the camera. They hate that and haven't been back since!

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