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Home DVR choice help

Guest deefadog

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Guest deefadog

Thought i would start a new thread on this.

I have found 3 suitable DVR's and i would appreciate if someone could have a quick look over the specs and tell me which is the best for my purpose, there are a few compression format that i don't reconise and there might be something that stands out to someone who knows these machines!

Contender Number 1 - IView 4 Camera DVR With Motion Detection and 120GB Hard Drive (400M)

Contender Number 2 - (Model: XVIS4DVRE)

Contender Number 3 - DVR 7220M

What i want out of the machine:

It's for home use, to be viewed on a PAL TV. I envisage around 1 hour of motion recording per day.

1)Record 4 cameras on motion detect

2)Output a quad signal via an rf modulator so i can view the quad picture at all times, even if it's recording

3)Backup to a vcr

4)Audio capablity, although not sure if this is a standard thing or that some of the description don't mention it??

Thanks for any help

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We have experience of the XVIS4DVRE and the Iview machine, both are good basic units, however must stress they are only basic machines.

The 3rd unit looks like a good unit and has the bonus of Remote Control. However have not used it so not sure of quality, all models do not have audio.

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There has been some posts about y3K on this forum, I believe their customer service leaves a lot to be desired.

You will probably be able to set the DVR to record at the highest quality, depending on the resolution of your cameras, I doubt you would notice much difference in playback between all 3.

One thought, if you have a spare VCR, you could dedicate the video input of the vcr to the dvr and then connect the RF output of the DVR into your TV distribution amplifier.

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Or even the RF output of the VCR as Im sure you meant to say Rich

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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Guest deefadog

Thanks guyz, yes i have a spare vcr, good thought :)

Audio i can live without, as i am on a budget!

The third unit does look nice, will keep the missus happy LoL, but it's has a smaller hard drive, although it is not going to be used much in a home application, so may not be an issue.

Will all these machines allow me to view the cameras at any time through an rf modulator or vcr on a tv and still record?

So any other similar spec machine's i may have missed? These are all the ones i could find in my price bracket, i can maybe go up a bit if you think there is a machine that would justify it?

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Dont worry to much about looks as it should be locked out the way and or in a lockable dvr cabinet or in the roof space. You dont want mr burglar steeling your evidence.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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Guest deefadog

Thanks i know, it will be in the attic, i have to convince the wife :) Joke!

Will all these machines allow me to view the cameras at any time through an rf modulator or vcr on a tv and still record?

And are there any other similar spec machine's i may have missed? These are all the ones i could find in my price bracket, i can maybe go up a bit if you think there is a machine that would justify it?


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