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Home DVR choice help

Guest deefadog

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Guest deefadog

Great, with regards to the pip, you mean instaed of the quad view option you could have it so the main screen displayed one camera and also another camera a quater of the screen all the time?

Because the machine will be up the attic and i am going to put the out put through a rf modulator so i can view the cameras on any tv in the house, so if we here a knock at the door or a noise from the back, we can just simply turn to chanel 8 for instance and see who or what is there! - is there any different options on any of these 3 machines that would give me the best view? or would i have to have it in quad view all the time so see the 4 cameras?

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Guest deefadog

Another question to go with my above post:

I have decided to go for Contender Number 3 - DVR 7220M

I have looked through the manual for this (as it's on line) and on the rear it I have a few questions about the connections:

1) The machine has an input and output for each of the 4 cameras, what is the output for as it has a seperate out put for both vcr and monitor.

2) It has seperate external in/out sensor triggers! what are these for? as i thought from a previous thread that the machine detects motion via pixel change and only the one lead from the camera would be needed.

Tha manual can be seen here - 7220M manual


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1) The outputs are for whatever you want. Mainly they are used to loop the feed for a camera or bunch of cameras to a remote monitor, like you get in the front of large stores.

2) The extra alrm triggers are just for other triggers. You could have it linked to the alarm so that when certain sensors are triggered the cameras switch to a certain view, or you could set anything to the input to just manually call up a camera when required.

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Guest deefadog

Thanks Lurch,

One more question if you don't mind

I fi set the dvr to full screen for each camera, what will be constantly displayed on the output monitor/tv, will it be the last camera that was activated via motion detect or is it what ever one you choose to select that's what you get?

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If you select full screen AFAIK you will get a single camera on screen which will be the last one that you selected as full screen unless you can select the cameras to sequence, in which case you will get them all. If a camera activates on motion detect then that camera will be displayed then it will revert to the previous image once the alarm condition has ceased.

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Guest deefadog

That's great cheers Lurch, That's ideal then as i want to view the front of the house as standard and if any motion is detected around the back, then that wil be displayed!

Unfortunately they are out of stock on this model, sods law hey!!

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