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Any light types best for night time recording??


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are there any type of light sources that give better results than other i.e halogen or Son lighting obviously it will need to be a compromise between running costs dont want the leccy meter wheel going into melt down.

I know different types of bulbs give differing light colours just wondering if any have an advantage I have never used THIS type of energy efficient flood before wondered what you think will it give instant light as a halogen could then use with a pir or might take a while to "warm "up.

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I use the Sodium version on my home, yeah it takes a few minutes to warm up but doesn't spin the meter much (7p per 9 hours). Still got the origional bulb in to, so doesn't hasn't cost me anything except the purchase price as of yet. I also find that the light it gives of isn't too overpowering or concentrated.

Yeah I know you cant beat the IR floods, or the newer LED floods but the sodium has been ok so far, and cost a fraction of the cost of the IR or LED.

70W Sodium Flood


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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On a cold night it would take a few seconds to get full brightness say 20 seconds or so, but you would have light after a couple of seconds just not full brightness. Lamp life is reduced if it is reguly switch on and off.

I can spell honest.

Dave yours isnt on a pir is it.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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