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Hello from............Birmingham

Guest Andyp

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Hi, I have spent some time looking round the site and I can only say I wish there was something similar a few years ago.

I am a Sales Manager for a company that specialises in CCTV, Large Access and some Intruder. I have done my time at Modern, Chubb and //.National Installer.// and am now in the real world of a smaller (we like to think more personal) company. Have worked in the CS/ARC, Service (Engineer), Sales and Training so have been about a bit.

Anyway, cant really offer a wealth of knowledge on any specific systems but I will try to help where I can on anything.

Keep up the good work.




Welcome Andy, nice to see another West Midlander join us.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

Guest cp2lockie

G'day Andy,

Welcome to the forum. Don't sell yourself short on your knowledge as you would probably already be able to set up an access system directly to an alarm. This is a lot better than I can do. As a side question, I have a customer asking about setting up a remote control front door, she would like easy access to the house when it's raining instead of standing in the rain looking for keys. I was thinking of a basic garage door type system but hooking it up to an electric strike. I think it would work and should be resonably secure. Any comments or ideas would be welcomed.




Welcome to the site Andy,

- As for you Geof, im not sure I would like my house secured with a garage door remote control which can be electronically 'snooped'. Personally I would go for a proximity key (long range) then when she walks up to door - it magically opens!


Guest Affinity

I will just have to say hello to Andy wont I guys :rolleyes: now if hes anything like geoff he wont know about the multibox either so i will have to tell the two of them now.

Hiiii Andy nice to see you........ Linda

Guest cp2lockie

I probably shouldn't post this one here but anyway. I wasn't thinking of the normal remote with the 10 or 12 dip switches :o . I was thinking more of the rolling code type remote. A lot harder to snoop :) . The problem with long range proxi is if she has the keys in her pocket she would have to be careful where she walks in case she accidently releases the door. Also if she walks past outside the fence, the same thing could happen. Too many risks for my liking. At least with a remote you have more control over when the door opens and also allows you to open the door when you see a friend at the front door no matter where you are.



Hi ladies and gents.

Geoff, why not use a standard prox card and ask the customer to leave it in her purse or bag that she would take with her to most places. On her return she could then just present the purse of bag to the prox reader. I have a few customers whose employees do pretty much the same thing and it has worked fine.

Any comments.


Just a thought.

If the customer is getting out of her car, why not just get the keys ready before getting out of the car. If she is walking why not strt looking for the keys sooner (and she will already be wet!!!)


Guest cp2lockie

I will put it to the customer about using the proxi from her bag. I think she asked about it due to laziness, "why should I find the key, put it in the door, unlock the door, open the door, take out the key, etc when I can push a button and just lean on the door to open it". As I think I said, it was only an idea.



PS. In consideration Andy, who started this link in the forum, could any further ideas, comments, etc please be posted to the one I started, "Hello all, From Oz"



Maybe she should employ a butler, he could put the red carpet down for her just before he opens the door.




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