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im writing this because this is my last post here.

i am leaving...

... to russia for two weeks and i am not sure if i will be back alive.

i wish you all pleasureful christmas and new year !!

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They do have internet in Russia you know!

What you going there for? Not cold enough in Finland?

Why do you think you won't make it back? Visiting the Lubyinka?

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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:lol: they seem to have internet.. i was afraid it yet didn't arrive here...

in St. Petersburg at the moment and still alive (regardless the existence of mafia). doesn't seem to differ too much of paris ie. no one speaks english and the language is just as unknown to me than french. cyrillic letters i know so it is guessing just as much than in france..

half business half vacation here. for your (and mine) surprise they make some excellent cctv cameras here (as well as some other products including vodka :roflmao: )

you mean

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here's hoping.. :whistle:

haven't met mafia yet but met militsija yesterday evening when we were trying to get tothe train. they wanted money but were asking for train tickets (in russian ofcourse) .. idared to ask in english (and very LOUD

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