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Cctv & The Law.

Guest matopia

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Guest matopia

I mentioned to my next door neighbours that I was planning to install CCTV on the front of my property to watch over my car and the front of my house, as I am been targeted by vandals.

I was told (by the neighbour) that I am only allowed to film my property up to my fence which is the boundry to the pavement. I was told that I am not allowed to film my car parked in a public road, or my car parked on the opposite side of the road to my property.

Is this true?

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Providing your not a perv looking into their windows you,ll be ok. Having fixed cameras looking at your car is ok. Phone them up they are nice people and they will tell you everything is a ok, so if your neighbours or anyone else asks you can say youve spoke to them.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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Guest matopia
Providing your not a perv looking into their windows you,ll be ok. Having fixed cameras looking at your car is ok. Phone them up they are nice people and they will tell you everything is a ok, so if your neighbours or anyone else asks you can say youve spoke to them.


Well the camera will be pointing away from the house, down towards the pavement/car/road/opposite pavement. The angle of view is too small to involve the neighbours. I think neighbours concern was for Mr Joe Public walking in the path of the CCTV.

You said "Fixed", so does that mean Pan and Tilt cameras are not allowed, although I have no intention of getting a panning camera.

Excellent, I will phone them tomorrow. Do you perhaps have a telephone number?



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I think the number is 01625 545700

Ive spoke to them before if you have fixed cameras not pan tilt zoom and you not being intrusive to your neighbours your ok.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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Guest securityconsultant

And into the data protection minefield we go.

1. Are you going to record the video,

If the ans yes and you have good reason (which you have ) you should be Ok but to be on the safe side register the sytem with the local police and inform the council of your intentions in writing,Best to do before you spend out on the pennies.

Not a bad idea to put a sign warning people that tehey are being recorded

If your not planning on recording then in reality it should be fine .

In either case I would notify your local crime prevention officer and the local council as they can get touchy over things if a complaint is made.

Firstly I would recomend that you make sure you have your nabhours on board with the idea as you don't want to swap a vandel problem with a nabhour dispute .

Good luck

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Guest matopia
Total twadle as long as your not breaking any privacy laws i.e. pointing a camera at your nieghboors bedroom window you're ok.

In fact if the purpose of the cctv is to catch a specific offence you dont even have to put warning signage up.

It would be a different case if you were a comercial, retail, or public building. They not only have to warn the villians that they may be recorded, they have to tell them who is in charge of it so the villian knows where to go to obtain a copy.

It is good practice to follow the commisioners guidlines, this way the recorded evidence will be more use.


Excellent! Thanks Pete, I am glad that has been confirmed. I will be phoning the number Adi has kindly given else will check it out from there web site just for peace of mind. I have also arranged a meeting with the local copper that looks after our area, and will run through what I plan to do with the CCTV (when I finally make up my mind what to buy) with him on Sunday.

Did you see my comment for you on Post #51 on Hi From Kent - Cctv Advice, Wanted: CCTV to prevent vandalism to house and car.



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Guest matopia
And into the data protection minefield we go.

1. Are you going to record the video,

If the ans yes and you have good reason (which you have ) you should be Ok but to be on the safe side register the sytem with the local police and inform the council of your intentions in writing,Best to do before you spend out on the pennies.

Not a bad idea to put a sign warning people that tehey are being recorded

If your not planning on recording then in reality it should be fine .

In either case I would notify your local crime prevention officer and the local council as they can get touchy over things if a complaint is made.

Firstly I would recomend that you make sure you have your nabhours on board with the idea as you don't want to swap a vandel problem with a nabhour dispute .

Good luck

Hi Security Consultant.

  1. Yes, I will be recording for sure.
  2. I will definitely be infoming the local council.
  3. I have arranged a meeting with the local police/crime prevention for my area.
  4. All my neighbours are onboard provided I can prove to them that there is no infringement to the law, which is great now that this has almost been confirmed as not a problem. They are keen to go the CCTV route as well.
  5. Having a sign up, I had my doubts about that, but it makes sense as an added warning that the area in front of my property will be monitored.
  6. I am also putting a night light up that will automatically switch on when there is movement in front of my property.



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