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Anything Happening With Trade Memberships?


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Hi jonnyboy, as far as I am aware yes trade is still being accepted, but Dave has been very busy lately and has had a few problems with the site so it may just have been overlooked. I am sure he will sort it soon.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, try sending a PM to Dave the site owner telling him whats going on with your application, also a pm to Zak, who is suppose to be the vetting mod might go along way. I'm not trying to say Zak isn't doing anything about it, he might be very busy or may not even know about the application at all, but these are the 2 people on the site who will get things sorted out for you. Best regards Mav

CCTV Intruder Access Control

Tony Hughes, Proprietor,


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I hope Eng doesnt read this!!!


The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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There is no single "vetting mod" anymore; it was a temporary title. Any mod can deal with the vetting. Pete was actually going to be calling him to finalise vetting - not sure what happened since then. I am sure it will be followed up very soon!

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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Guest Peter James

It is my fault I just havent had 5 minutes to phone you Johnny Boy. There are no excuses I should be more organised, the only time I seem to get for non work calls is when Im driving to or from somewhere, and of course I never have access to the numbers then.

I will add your number to my phone now and call you Monday.


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LOL, personally I think he's after a mod's position again.... but doesn't want everyone to figure it out.... by slagging them all off and the way the site is run really isn't the way to go about it!!

ive never actually slagged them off,just asked some questions...and i think the site is great or i wouldnt spend my spare time coming here..tho in my opinion in the early days it was THE site to be at real good craic and everyone(well nearly) got on well,yes i know its bigger now etc so why isnt it better? wish i knew...some would say it is some wouldnt....

i blame the mods. :whistle: (that was a joke for the miserable ones out there) :P

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