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En 50131 Maintenance Concerns:


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EN 50131 MAINTENANCE CONCERNS: Risks of EN security Grade being

compromised by maintenance visits highlighted

The introduction of European standards for intruder alarms brings new risks for

alarm maintenance personnel. A single replacement component of the incorrect

EN Grade will compromise the Grade of the overall alarm system. Engineers are

also now advised during maintenance visits to check continuing system EN Grad

conformity to the original installation document.

With the European Standards for intruder and hold-up alarms now in force,

installers should be aware of potential risks of EN grading alteration resulting

from routine maintenance visits.

Under the new European standards, the overall security Grade of any intruder

alarm system is set by the Grade of the lowest Grade component in the system.

What this means is that if, during an alarm maintenance visit to, for example, a

Grade 3 system, the engineer replaces a single faulty component with a Grade 2

component, then the overall Grade of the system

There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.


Read the bulletin this morning. Not sure what your reason was for posting but I think it is just a waste of space (not your post). Does common sense not prevail? What would you rather do, put a G2 dualtec in place of a faulty G3 dualtec so at least there is a chance of an activation, or put nothing? These things need to be looked at with a dose of realism by all concerned. Get permission from an insurance company? You'd be back to site with the correct equipment before they even understood what you were talking about.

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

  Zak said:
Not sure what your reason was for posting but I think it is just a waste of space (not your post).

Thought End users might be interested on knowing what's happening within the industry and what may or may not affect their alarm system or insurance :hmm:

But if you feel its of no use then please feel free to delete the post.

Does common sense not prevail?


There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.

  j.paul said:
Thought End users might be interested on knowing what's happening within the industry and what may or may not affect their alarm system or insurance :hmm:

But if you feel its of no use then please feel free to delete the post.


Didn't mean to sound too critical - wasn't thinking about end users when I posted.

But comments like the one below are so ridiculous it is untrue.

"If the appropriate Grade of component is not available, perhaps being at that

particular instance not carried by the maintenance person in their van, then it h

been suggested by some within the industry that it may be preferable not to fit

any replacement part

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.


i think it is better to keep only G4 spare parts in the van..

1) at least you have proper or in many cases better spare part

2) G4 is more expencive than G2 stuff so it means more

  georgahti said:
i think it is better to keep only G4 spare parts in the van..

1) at least you have proper or in many cases better spare part

2) G4 is more expencive than G2 stuff so it means more

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.


How long have these regs been talked about - years. One of the reasons for the change was to make them better than the previous regs, yet there are still some high and mighty d****eads sat in a posh office putting all this together who havent got a clue. Surely common sense says something is better than nothing. If for what ever reason you havent got a G3 detector at that time then surely a G2 will do for a temp replacement, its not going to be forever.

These people talk absolute utter ****.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

  Zak said:
PS There is no Grade 4 gear available.

and even there was, we are very unlikely to require anything above a Grade 3 on a day to, year year!

not yet. :bruce_h4h:

What comes to Grade 3 you are propably correct (as usual :gimme: )..


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