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Advice Dvr With Remote Access And Passthru's

Guest Staplar

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Guest Staplar

Hi, Newbie here.

I am looking for advice about a DVR with remote access via a standard web browser without the need for viewer software. Do they exist? Can anyone recommend a model(s).

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I have a Dedicated Micros D4 conected through a Philex RF modulator, then into a Philex 8 Way Multiplexed Distributor, works well for me, i just have it on 4 way view and it also uses ActiveX Web interface, so no software needed.

Watchdog Security (Manchester)

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No where near his budget range though, eh watchdog.

You could try an ECO4 from Dedicated Micros although it only has 25fps,

they are still above your budget though.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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oh breff, yeh.... I forgot to add that line about not being in the price range :) .... the dvr anyway, they modulators about 30 quid, can be tuned to many different channels, which is impotant as you need to be 3 channels away from another tuned source, to stop channel interferance and ghosting. I like the philex stuff, seems to do the job.

Kinda Doesnt answer in question in a whole, but you can buy d4s off ebay.... I have 2 here, 1 being used, was goin to use the other one for a rental job, but it fell through.

Watchdog Security (Manchester)

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I have no idea what this members problem is, all emails answered promptly.

THREE emails were sent from RF Concepts.

First was received at ::

Sent: 29 January 2006 23:58 (from member)

To: support@rfconcepts.co.uk

and replied to promptly the next morning ::

30 January 2006 1019 (from RF Concepts)


Received: 31 January 2006 22:20

Replied: Wed 01/02/2006 08:03


Received: 14 February 2006 10:42

Sent: Wed 15/02/2006 07:26

We are not perfect, but we do our best. a quick phone call would have established the member was having email problems, (possibly spam folder)

For information - The R200 has proved to be a very reliable DVR and is available at

www.rfconcepts.co.uk DVR

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Guest Staplar

I have no idea what this members problem is, all emails answered promptly.

THREE emails were sent from RF Concepts.

First was received at ::

Sent: 29 January 2006 23:58 (from member)

To: support@rfconcepts.co.uk

and replied to promptly the next morning ::

30 January 2006 1019 (from RF Concepts)


Received: 31 January 2006 22:20

Replied: Wed 01/02/2006 08:03


Received: 14 February 2006 10:42

Sent: Wed 15/02/2006 07:26

We are not perfect, but we do our best. a quick phone call would have established the member was having email problems, (possibly spam folder)

Did you ever consider that the problem could be at your end?

3 emails sent and only one received and the one that did arrive was abrupt and rude.

I will not buy from RFC you made a very bad first impression.

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Guest Staplar
I have a Dedicated Micros D4 conected through a Philex RF modulator, then into a Philex 8 Way Multiplexed Distributor, works well for me, i just have it on 4 way view and it also uses ActiveX Web interface, so no software needed.

Thanks for your reply, I had a look for a Philex RF Modulator, it looks like it only takes a single input, is there such a device that has 4 BNC inputs to 1 BNC output?

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Guest Staplar

My email settings are set to hide, now that being the case how did RFC know who I was? If RFC have enough time to sift through emails that never reached their destination and then come on to a public forum and further add insult to injury, then peraphs they are the ones with the problem.

I was interested in purchasing goods from RFC and asked a few questions about it, to which I had no reply, that is basically my problem.

RFC your problem is that you have lost my custom, please get over it.

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Guest Staplar
The Y3K stories are from along time ago when we were a young company with few staff and quick growth and all areas are now much improved.



cheers Peter

I will have another look at your site tonight.

I have seen mud stick all to often on these type of boards.

Your quick response to my email was a great start.

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